Iterm 3 2 8 X 4 5
ITerm2 是一款Mac终端模拟器(终端增强),有拆分窗口,搜索,命令智能提示加自动完成,历史记录,完全可定义的终端皮肤. If you want to cover for situations where iTerm isn't installed in the standard location, you might use. Open -g -j -a iTerm 2/dev/null if $? -eq 0 ; then sleep 3 osascript -e 'tell application 'iTerm' to quit' else # install iTerm fi If iTerm is already running it will exit in this case. In 8-bit Latin-X character sets they are the single bytes 0x9d and 0x9c, respectively. In UTF-8 mode some terminal emulators deliberately do not implement C1 support because these bytes would conflict with the UTF-8 encoding, while some other terminal emulators recognize the UTF-8 representation of U+009d (i.e. 0xc2 0x9d ) and U+009c (i.e. I just updated Xcode to 11.4 and suddenly my terminal (iTerm 3.3.9) is now very slow. Typing a command works fine, but upon pressing enter I often wait 3-4 seconds to perform a simple task (cd, git. Update as of 8/2020. Some other worthy contenders not mentioned in the original answer are Tilix and Terminator (check them out!), and my top pick is still for the most part Qterminal. Linux terminals in general seem to be getting closer to parity with iTerm2. Current as of 9/2018. Here's a short list of iterm2 (v3) features.